Marrakech is a thriving metropolis whose pace is tempered by is rich heritage and deep cultural roots.
The souks are a riot of colors, tastes, smells and a really feast for the senses. Marrakech really has the best of everything. I loved wandering the wonderfully maintained markets filled with hawkers, tradesmen and craftsmen selling really interesting wares.
In the medina, one can’t miss Jemaa el-Fnaa (Djemaa el-Fnaa), which is the historic main square of the city. This spot is constantly bustling with activity.
There are rows of stalls selling freshly squeezed orange juice, spices and fresh herbs. Once can also see plenty of entertainers such as snake charmers, storytellers, musicians, acrobatic and more.
Marrakech was one of my favorite cities in Morocco. We experienced the best of everything there, which I will share in upcoming posts.