Magic Kingdom – Food, Orlando, Florida

Do not go to Magic Kingdom expecting cuisine. There is none!

Most of the restaurants at Magic offer the standard theme park fare.Here are a few of the restaurants that we visited whilst on our trip.

I liked Pecos Bill’s Tall Tale Inn in Frontier land – mostly because they have an amazing fixing’s bar. You could create an entire meal for yourself just off of their fixings bar. I really enjoyed making myself many rounds of yummy salads.

Columbia harbor house was another place that served pretty decent food. Their sandwiches were pretty good and they served a good fried shrimp basket.

Tony’s Town Square is very popular but in my opinion might be some of the worst Italian I have eaten recently but I guess its important to remember that with all the fun things to do, who really has time to care too much about the food? (other than me!!)

Here is some of what we ate:


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